Thursday, July 30, 2009

Home for Hospice

In the life swell of the past months...I am posting events out of order. In an effort to get caught up...Grandma actually came home to hospice June 31..Her 75th birthday was July 21...So we have had lots of reason to celebrate her and love her. These photos were from her welcome home party.

Dancing for my Grandmother

me loving gma, originally uploaded by jjleatherman.
Life is better than one could possibly ever imagine. This moment encapsulates everything that is sacred in life for me...It was with this dance performance that I truly realized how spiritual dance celebrates so many rites of passage in our lives. I am so honored and blessed with my Grandmother's life and I think she was honored and blessed as well. Happy Birthday Ruby Lou!

Grandma's 75th Birthday Celebration

75candles, originally uploaded by jjleatherman.

magic margie

magicmargie, originally uploaded by jjleatherman.

Margie giving Grandma wings to fly...