Writing a Novel in a month in honor of NaNoWriMo: National Writing Month
I'm not going to put this off any longer! I'm going to do this. I am trying to write a novel in a month….
Pedaling through the streets of Palermo or Paducah I have felt joy in realities far less than perfect. I want to write a novel about the concept, 'I create my own reality' and I want to create simultaneously this parallel universe, that of the novel. Essentially it will be a new reality based on the philiosophy of it's creation: a creation about reality creation. Must I truly learn how to create my own reality before creating another one within the confines of a book?
How wonderful to have a home birth through my character! How wonderful to have a mother and a father through a character. A happy world spun and created from despair and love is the essence of our society. I do not want to go to dark places~yet, I'll save those monsters for Stephen king. I love flow, I love writing practice in a notebook, but I also love sitting here at my key board clunking away. I realize that handwriting slows you down, and this is the reason that it is good. It makes you think a bit more. I think I will do both for this novel. I just want to get started.
I will write in the voice of ???? a character from ??? alice walker went all over the world in Temple of my Familiar. She was in touch with her essence, she channeled …
Go, girl! I did it last year and it was heaps of fun - if a little crazy.